- You could go with the one that pays the highest rates, such as highest percentages or fixed amounts of cashback. There are many sites out there and a lot of competition amongst them to get your cashback business. They make money out of you signing up to them and using them, as they may receive commission for referring you to a retailer, or they may charge you an administration fee for the cashback service that they offer you and make money that way. Some claim to have your best interests at heart but ultimately they are there to make a profit for themselves too!
- You could decide to go for the established cashback, the one that has been around a long time and has proven itself over the years. You do need to be aware of a plethora of new sites that have sprung up recently as they will not all stand the test of time. I have seen several sites start up and then fall by the wayside for various reasons so a policy of going for the professional sites which are well-established and have a good following is a safe one to pursue. There is nothing worse than earning a nice sum of cashback only for the site you were using to disappear overnight!
It is always worthwhile signing up to several cashback sites and choosing the best from those in terms of their reliability, the cashback rates they offer and the professionalism of each site. Sites with broken links, broken images, and poor customer support are ones to avoid, as they show a lack of maintenance and a lack of interest from the people running the site which ultimately could end up with you losing that cashback you had earned.
If you are not sure which sites are available, or which are the best, then use online forums, blogs and review sites like The Cashback Express to get a better idea of which sites are the best and which ones will work for you.
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